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B i o g r a p h y

          Jonathan Amon is a music educator and saxophonist based in Attleboro, Massachusetts.  He teaches at the University of Rhode Island and Bridgewater State University as well as The Fenn School, and Instrumental Music School of Carlisle and Concord (IMSCC), both in Concord, MA. 

          An avid soloist, he is especially interested in unaccompanied works and music including electronic media.  He also works regularly with the Chagall Performance Art Collaborative, an interdisciplinary arts organization based in Salem, MA.  He has premiered or commissioned works for saxophone by notable composers including Joan Tower, Claudio Gabriele, and Harold Shapero.  He was the featured concerto soloist for the American premiere of Pierre Grouvel’s Volcan with the Boston Conservatory Saxophone Ensemble, and premiered Joan Tower’s Second Flight in cooperation with Worldwide Concurrent Premieres, Inc.  He has performed regularly at international and regional conferences for the North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA), and the World Saxophone Congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia.   Jon organized and hosted the NASA Region 8 Conference at Bridgewater State University in 2017.  

          A native of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, Jon attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and earned a BM in music education.  Following graduation, he moved to France and studied saxophone with Jean-Michel Goury at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Boulogne-Billancourt.  

          Jon moved to Boston to do a master's degree at the New England Conservatory in 2007 and later moved across town to complete a DMA at Boston University.   He has remained in Massachusetts ever since.

Current projects include hosting the semi-annual URI "Sax Night" along with John McKenna, a concert celebration of the saxophone featuring jazz and classical saxophonists from URI, and launching the first-ever Experimental Music Ensemble at Bridgewater State University - coming Fall, 2023.  Upcoming recording projects include solo works by Jean-Claude Risset and David Amram, to be released on Youtube in Spring, 2023.  


            Jon was inspired by all of his saxophone teachers over the years: Michael Bazan, Rob Wilkerson, Matthew Sintchak, Jean-Michel Goury, and Ken Radnofsky.  


© 2023 by Jonathan Amon. All rights reserved.

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